Tanya Dannemann

Kim Smith, MD

Dr. Smith graduated Magna Cum Laude from Rice University in Houston, Texas in 1987 and then attended Baylor College of Medicine and graduated in 1991. She stayed at Baylor College of Medicine for her Residency and completed it in 1995. While practicing, Dr. Smith included teaching to her list of skills and was a Lecturer for Medical Student Tropical Medical Course at the University of Texas from 2009-2020. Dr. Smith is board certified and a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Smith’s husband is an infectious disease physician, turned CDC deputy director, turned pastor. They have been involved in missionaries for Kenya for the last 7 years and are now on the board of 2 ministries that work in Africa. Dr. Smith believes that each of us is created with body, soul, and spirit, and healing involves all three. When not in the hospital or on mission trips, Dr. Smith enjoys spending time with her family- her husband, 4 adult children, and their dog Frodo. You can also find her cooking, crocheting and knitting for fun!